tips of the things you've got to do if you got pregnant while youre a student......^_^

tips of the things you've got to do if you got pregnant while youre a student......^_^

Getting a hard problems while you are a student?? Well that's kinda big problem for parent's..!! Imagine how hard your parents working, cooking food every morning, preparing everything for school, spending money for tuition fee's, doing the house work activities just to give you time to study, and give you extra money for projects yet they will know your pregnant. What do you think their feelings??

Well if this ever happen you can follow this steps:
1.Make a conversation with you and the one who is responsible for your pregnancy.
2.What ever decision you have made together with that person just accept it..
3.The very hard thing to do is on how you will tell your parent's about the matter, but the very important thing to do is that you should make sure that you tell your parent's about your pregnancy, whether it hurts a lot on the parent's part but they have nothing to do about it no matter what they need to accept the reality.
4.You cannot deny the fact that they will get angry because of your pregnancy but the mere fact is that there deep feelings can only expressed once therefore just accept what they can say about you or what can they do to you because it is just a fruit of their hurt feeling towards your condition.
5. I know that your also having a hard time and pressures but you should consider those things a trials in life and always think positive and life must go on whatever may happen.

Hope this blog can help you..If you have more questions or interaction just comment it...And I will give my time to answer it.....
**..Thank YOu..**^_^

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bHing said...

ehhhh... we have to be responsible nlang jud!!!

airam.teresa said...

ahw anah..hehe
dapat lng...

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