what action you will do before and after graduation..??

GRADUATION: Now What Am I Supposed to Do?

“All that stands between the graduate and the top of the ladder is the ladder.” - Anonymous

What’s the Scoop

Approaching is the long-awaited day where you’ll put on the long gown and hat with tassel to carry your “official” degree across the stage with many proud onlookers staring back at you. Or, perhaps you’ll have your degree mailed to you while you’re off travelling the world or occupied with other exciting adventures. You may have already received your degree and now you’re a little confused about the next step.

No matter what situation you’re in, prior to and after your convocation day, many of you will ask or at least consider the question, "Is there life after graduation?" For many, graduation symbolizes the closing of one door and the opening of another. The open door may lead to a “real” job in the workforce or perhaps to another degree in graduate school or diploma in technical school. Regardless of what door you’re standing in front of, it’s beneficial to consider your options and make some short- and long-term plans to ensure you’re on the proper footing to get your career on the go.

What Do I Need to Know

While some of you may be heading back to school after your first or second degree and may need some help choosing an educational direction, a good majority of you are taking the next step of heading into the workforce. It’s time to decide what occupational areas pique your interest and where you’d like to put your energy to broaden your knowledge, skills and experience.

One of the first things to keep in mind is that the working world has changed a little since your parents and grandparents signed up for their first jobs. Careers in the 21st century are evolving, variable, and require continuous flexibility and skill development. You’ll have to step up, take the reins into your own hands, and be your own career manager. This translates into taking an active role in shaping the direction of your career by keeping an eye open for opportunities that will advance your career forward.

While planning for your future, you should reflect on certain factors that will play a role when choosing your occupational area. You need to take into account your:

* Values, learning style, personality and interests
* Marital and family plans and opinions of parents and partners
* Financial requirements and social status needs
* Work experiences, academic ability and achievement, and leisure experiences

As you can see, there’s much to reflect on when making a career decision. To make the process smoother, the Career Decision-Making Model assures that you’ll be able to make a well thought-out choice. Don’t worry, we won’t leave you stranded without proper details, but other topics may be of interest to you if you’re near graduation and stumped about what direction to take.

Key Sub Topics

* Choosing an Educational Direction
* Career Development
* Managing Change

How Do I Get Started

Your first move is to reach a decision-making point. Even if you’re not that close to walking the stage, it can be helpful to begin the process of determining occupational alternatives anywhere from two years to six months before graduation. Starting early will get you ahead of the game by giving you enough time to work on your job search before you’re strapped for cash and desperate for a job (okay, this is probably some of you already, but we’re talking really desperate!). Now, it’s fine if you’ve left making a decision until closer to your graduation date but realize that it could take time after finishing school to get career-related employment if you’re thinking of going to the workforce.

Remember, once you’re ready to make a decision, you’ll have to commit time and energy to follow through with your plans. Before jumping to the next stage, it’s a good idea to make an Occupational Criteria List. On here, you’ll record important criteria to evaluate your occupational options with. Try to keep your criteria as clear and specific as possible.

The second step of the process is likely the most important: researching. Start with yourself. You need to think about your lifestyle factors – what you currently have and what you’d like to have in your future. Things like income level, work hours, and amount of travel are just some of the criteria that should be on your list. What about goals? Have you always had some life or career goals in mind related to working, buying a house, having a family, volunteering, or your leisure activities? For some factors, you’ll need to think hard about your personal preferences to determine what tops your priority list when seeking an occupational area.

* Your work values need to be compatible with your working position. Your work will feel unfulfilling and worthless if your values are in conflict or aren’t being met in your career. What do you value? Autonomy, respect, or routine? Flexibility, power, or status?
* You need to consider what skills you have – including specialist skills (specific to performing a particular occupation), generalist skills (are versatile like communication skills), and personal skills (used to manage your environment and the people in it). Most occupations are composed of 80% generalist and 20% specialist skills.
* Your working style is also important. Are you outgoing and personable and like to work closely with others? Are you analytical, task-oriented, and independent?
* What are your interests? A job that satisfies your interests will likely motivate you and maintain your attention. To explore your interests, you may try making a list of 15-20 things you love to do – alone or with others, as part of a job, or with family, or in a leisure activity. Look for common themes among your interests.
* Take a look at your time spent in University in courses, summer employment, volunteering, in clubs, etc. What experiences stand out? What did you like about those experiences? What did you dislike? What was meaningful?

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tips of the things you've got to do if you got pregnant while youre a student......^_^

tips of the things you've got to do if you got pregnant while youre a student......^_^

Getting a hard problems while you are a student?? Well that's kinda big problem for parent's..!! Imagine how hard your parents working, cooking food every morning, preparing everything for school, spending money for tuition fee's, doing the house work activities just to give you time to study, and give you extra money for projects yet they will know your pregnant. What do you think their feelings??

Well if this ever happen you can follow this steps:
1.Make a conversation with you and the one who is responsible for your pregnancy.
2.What ever decision you have made together with that person just accept it..
3.The very hard thing to do is on how you will tell your parent's about the matter, but the very important thing to do is that you should make sure that you tell your parent's about your pregnancy, whether it hurts a lot on the parent's part but they have nothing to do about it no matter what they need to accept the reality.
4.You cannot deny the fact that they will get angry because of your pregnancy but the mere fact is that there deep feelings can only expressed once therefore just accept what they can say about you or what can they do to you because it is just a fruit of their hurt feeling towards your condition.
5. I know that your also having a hard time and pressures but you should consider those things a trials in life and always think positive and life must go on whatever may happen.

Hope this blog can help you..If you have more questions or interaction just comment it...And I will give my time to answer it.....
**..Thank YOu..**^_^

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Life journey after Graduation...??

Life's journey after graduation

"Tomorrow is a dream that leads me onward. Tomorrow is a path I've yet to choose. It's a chance I've yet to take, a friend I've yet to make. It's all the talent I've yet to use. Tomorrow is a dream that leads me onward, always just a step ahead of me. It's the joy I've yet to know, the love I've yet to show. For it's the person I've yet to be."
It's finally time, time to let go and time to move on. To take a walk across that stage is to take a walk into what lies ahead. Time spent at Elon the past 2 years was time well spent, but the future is waiting.

Moving on doesn't mean letting go. Cherish your memories. Memories allow you to hold on to the things you never want to lose. All the yesterdays that were a part of the last four years don't have to be forgotten. Years from now when you need a laugh you'll have your memories to depend on, for they are your treasures.

College is a time to grow up. Eventually, but not easily, you figure out who you are and what's important to you. Growth is optional, but no matter what it sneaks up on you. Without realizing it you see that the choices you make and the experience you gain happen without your consent. That is when you realize that, yes, you have changed. In a matter of four years it was the in between who you once were and who you're now becoming that you made friends with yourself.

There have been tough times. There have been great times. But through it all, it's been one great adventure. Lives have been touched and lives have been turned around. You discover the people you can depend on and you hold onto them. Intricately woven patterns make up the days and moments that you never want to leave your side, because most of these moments are just too good to be forgotten.

Many miles may separate you from the people and the place you hold close to your heart, but that's OK. There's a whole new world out there that's just waiting for you. Once again, you're free to be anyone you want to be. Take advantage of a new start and live the life you've always imagined. It may sound scary, but that's what the last four years has prepared you for. You're ready. Only you can find the happiness that you have always dreamed of.

This is a journey that no one can take for you. With real life about to begin, dare to believe that your journey isn't finished with you.

You're just taking the next step. Go ahead. Life is waiting for you.

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