Life journey after Graduation...??

Life's journey after graduation

"Tomorrow is a dream that leads me onward. Tomorrow is a path I've yet to choose. It's a chance I've yet to take, a friend I've yet to make. It's all the talent I've yet to use. Tomorrow is a dream that leads me onward, always just a step ahead of me. It's the joy I've yet to know, the love I've yet to show. For it's the person I've yet to be."
It's finally time, time to let go and time to move on. To take a walk across that stage is to take a walk into what lies ahead. Time spent at Elon the past 2 years was time well spent, but the future is waiting.

Moving on doesn't mean letting go. Cherish your memories. Memories allow you to hold on to the things you never want to lose. All the yesterdays that were a part of the last four years don't have to be forgotten. Years from now when you need a laugh you'll have your memories to depend on, for they are your treasures.

College is a time to grow up. Eventually, but not easily, you figure out who you are and what's important to you. Growth is optional, but no matter what it sneaks up on you. Without realizing it you see that the choices you make and the experience you gain happen without your consent. That is when you realize that, yes, you have changed. In a matter of four years it was the in between who you once were and who you're now becoming that you made friends with yourself.

There have been tough times. There have been great times. But through it all, it's been one great adventure. Lives have been touched and lives have been turned around. You discover the people you can depend on and you hold onto them. Intricately woven patterns make up the days and moments that you never want to leave your side, because most of these moments are just too good to be forgotten.

Many miles may separate you from the people and the place you hold close to your heart, but that's OK. There's a whole new world out there that's just waiting for you. Once again, you're free to be anyone you want to be. Take advantage of a new start and live the life you've always imagined. It may sound scary, but that's what the last four years has prepared you for. You're ready. Only you can find the happiness that you have always dreamed of.

This is a journey that no one can take for you. With real life about to begin, dare to believe that your journey isn't finished with you.

You're just taking the next step. Go ahead. Life is waiting for you.

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